Vimeo update
Yesterday I remembered I had a vimeo account. So I thought, to get some use out of it, I’d upload a few old shows I storyboarded. “Loggerheads - Björn und die wilden Wikinger” from way back in 1997. This was a great fun show to work on. I loved drawing in that style. I worked throught the old Trickompany Filmproduktion GmbH in Hamburg (where I also boarded on Werner movie, Max and Moritz and Nick and Perry) . Loggerheads has aged a little and is a bit clunky maybe by modern standards but I have a real soft spot for it. Also Jack and Marcel a series of 150 short episodes from 2000. I boarded about 50 episodes, some without scripts. I worked through Protécréa in Paris. Again this was a really fun project. Loved drawing the two main characters.
Both these shows were drawn on paper and freelance. So roughs were sent via Fax machine and final boards shipped over. So I never got to vists the studio in Paris but spent a few months working out of Hamburg. Links to everything here
Loggerheads, Chief Bjorn the Red.